
Cross Roads United Methodist Church

CRUMC Foundation Committee



It is the purpose of the Cross Roads United Methodist Church (CRUMC) Foundation to hold in trust certain donations, gifts, and bequests and to administer these resources to support educational, developmental and worship activities of CRUMC. 


Here are some examples of the grants the Foundation Committee awards:

  • Camperships – Apply Here
  • Scholarships for Youth & Young Adults – Apply Here
  • Learning Programs and Special Projects (for example: Lay Servant Training, Youth Mission Trips, Leadership Conference Expenses, Lura Turner Homes assistance, Walk to Emmaus experience) – Apply Here


Now that you know what the Foundation does, here’s how you can HELP to make life-changing and everlasting experiences for all ages HAPPEN:  By giving a generous donation to support the CRUMC Foundation, lives can be transformed!  If you write a check, be sure to write on the “Memo” line: “Foundation.”  If you believe in the ministries of the CRUMC as described above, and wish to include the Foundation through planned giving, you may do so by including the following bequest language in your will:  “I give the sum of $___ or ___% to the Cross Roads United Methodist Church Foundation, 7901 North Central Ave., Phoenix, AZ  85020, Tax ID # 86-0143295 to be used or disposed of as the Foundation Trustees Committee deems appropriate in its sole discretion.”



Administration of the “Tree of Life”:  The Tree of Life (physically located on the West wall of the Narthex room) offers a way to support the work of the Foundation — and, at the same time, to honor the memory of a beloved Cross Roads member with a visual memento.



 QUESTIONS?  ASK US!  The future of the CRUMC Foundation depends on all of us! Email: crossroadsfoundation@crossroadsphx.