Cross Roads Pantry
Food donations received by Cross Roads are shared with members and neighbors on a regular basis. Any food not distributed is taken to local food banks.

Desert Mission Food Bank
Cross Roads is one of the longest and most consistent donors to Desert Mission Food Bank. Nonperishable foods and supplies are collected throughout the year in our lobby and taken to this neighborhood charity located a few blocks north of our church.

Family Promise
This nationwide program helps families transition out of homelessness. Cross Roads supports Phoenix Family Promise through meals, financial gifts and week-long housing at the church several times throughout the year.

Give Ye Them to Eat is a mission in Mexico created many years ago by two Cross Roads members. Our Cafe Bible Study contributes funds on a regular basis to help supply food, health services and other needs to communities in Mexico.

Navajo Nation
Cross Roads has a special tie to this community, as some of our members are from the Navajo Nation. CRUMC strives to assist the Navajo Nation whenever we can.

Borderlands Produce Rescue Without Waste (P.O.W.W.O.W.)
Produce On Wheels Without Waste is a program that offers up to 70 pounds of fresh produce for only $15. We host this program in our parking lot on select Saturdays of each month open to neighbors and friends in our community.

United Methodist Outreach Missions have served people in need for decades. Cross Roads supports the downtown Phoenix UMOM shelters by serving meals, donating clothes and providing financial assistance.

Neighborhood Meetings & Events
Cross Roads offers our facilities to weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual gatherings of all kinds. From support groups and clubs to rehearsals and holiday fairs, the central location and flexible facilities make Cross Roads a perfect place to gather.

Seasonal Ministries
Each year Cross Roads supports a variety of evenets like our Easter Egg hunt, Trunk or Treating, Thanksgiving Adpot-A-Family, Holiday Giving Tree and more.